Vertical Shaft Impactor

Vertical Shaft Impactor (VSI) is a type of crusher used in aggregates and mining industries. It is designed for crushing slag and to produce high-quality sand and aggregates. It is also known as a vertical impact crusher.

Working Principle:

The VSI operates with a unique mechanism that imparts high-velocity impact to the material. Its efficient rotor configuration allows for the effective reduction of slag into sand particles of desired sizes. crushing chamber and rotor throw rocks against each other, causing them to break into fragment. The adjustable rotor speed feature enables precise control over the crushing process, resulting in consistent sand quality. Robust construction and durable materials make this machine reliable for continuous operation in harsh industrial environments. Advanced safety features such as automatic overload protection ensure smooth and secure operation. Its compact design and modular components facilitate easy installation and maintenance. Versatile in its applications, it not only crushes slag but also processes various other materials into high-quality sand products. The vertical shaft impactor machine stands as a pivotal tool in the recycling industry, contributing to sustainable practices by repurposing industrial by-products into valuable resources.
